Search of a company by identifier

This search allows you to find a company from legal identifiers like the VAT number, the Trade Register number with its Registered Office, the Social Security number (or its inscription number).

If the VAT number is filled, it is with this piece of information that the search will be carried out. This one can only content the numeric part of the VAT number (9 numerals), without the 'BE' prefix and without point or space separators (e.g.: VAT: 433742725).

If the VAT number is not filled, the search can be carried out on the couple Registered Office - Trade Register number (e.g.: Registered Office: Nivelles, Trade Register number: 59511), on the complete Social Security number (e.g.: 010-1138345-43) or its inscription number (e.g.: 1138345).

The Reference area allows you to associate your own reference to your search and the files viewed via this search (e.g.: the client number). This reference will be reported in the heading of the report and in the consumption bill. This one can be obtained by request.
Only the references as you introduced them will be processed by Trends Business Information. Are considerated as different ; small letters , capital letters, and the letters with or without accent.

Search of a company by name

This search allows you to find all the societies corresponding to the given name and address criteria.
If the list of results of your request is too important, the files will be presented on several pages (i.e. search of all company names including the word 'EURO'). You will then be able to consult the different screens by using the arrows on top/or bottom of the webpage. You can also add other criteria to limit the result.
The possible criteria are:
  1. Name : corresponds to one or several words of the current or historical name of the company.
  2. Street : the complete name of the street or part of it (e.g.: 'gare' can be used for 'place de la gare', 'rue de la gare' , …).
  3. Number : the house number of the company.
  4. Post code : the post code of the town in which the company is situated. Please just type the numeric part of the post code, without the 'B' prefix.
  5. Town : the town in which the company is situated.
All the combinations are possible (e.g.: you can search for all the 'Michel' in 'Ghlin').
For each of these criteria, it is possible to use the character '*' at the end of a word to specify a search on the start of that information.
  Example :
  Post code: 134* search on post codes from 1340 to 1349
Name : EURO* can mean 'European', 'Europe', 'Euromeubel', etc.
The Reference area allows you to associate your own reference to your search and to the files viewed via this search (e.g.: the client number). The reference will be reported in the heading of the report and in the consumption bill. This one can be obtained by request.
Only the references as you introduced them will be processed by Trends Business Information. Are considerated as different ; small letters , capital letters, and the letters with or without accent.
Tips for use
  1. It is not advisable to carry out a search on a street name without the post code or the town.
  2. If the name is sufficiently discriminant, it can be enough. If not, try to add addresses criteria in order to limit the number of results. Avoid the words like 'entreprise', 'établissements', 'frères', 'fils', 'Co' or the legal forms like 'SA', 'SPRL' , …
  3. Pay special attention to the names that have different forms (e.g.: 'Vandendael' and 'Van en dael'; 'Dupont' and 'Dupond' ). These searches will give very different results.
  4. If you know the post code and the town, use first the post code.
  5. The more criteria you fill, the more chances you have to obtain a short and quick answer.
  6. If your search gives no result, try to reduce the criteria: or you remove one of you criteria, or you try to simplify it (e.g.: try 'Ney' rather than 'rue Maréchal Ney').